除咗既有嘅 #音樂治療 恆常工作外,我哋嘅註冊音樂治療師Angel同Pan仲喺 #美國音樂治療協會 學術年會作發報,分享佢哋喺治療中點樣以中國文化及音樂作治療資源嘅一啲心得。因為疫情關係,今年嘅 #美國音樂治療協會學術年會 改於網上舉行,令到世界各地嘅音樂治療師都可以安坐家中參與,亦俾到個難得嘅機會我哋兩位治療師可以第一次同時身處學術年會發報! 因為時差嘅關係,我哋兩位治療師要參加呢個學術年會都要半夜爬起身,但係見到咁多同工對呢個題目都感興趣,而且feedback都非常正面,兩位治療師都覺得好滿足。 今年年會唔單止錄影咗,仲可以有6個月時間返睇 - 又係學習嘅好時機啦~ ☺ It's been super busy lately at icathk! On top of regular therapy work, both Angel and Pan, our credentialed music therapists, were honored to have the opportunity to present in this year's American Music Therapy Association Virtual Conference. They share their experience and knowledge on Chinese cultures, as well as using Chinese music repertoires in various clinical settings. Due to the pandemic situation, the AMTA conference has moved into virtual format, so not only therapists from all over the world could participate through the tip of their finger, that also provided the chance for both Angel and Pan to present together, for the very first time at AMTA! With the time difference, both Angel and Pan had to get up in the middle of the night to do their presentation, yet they were so surprised that so many of their colleagues were interested in this topic, and so many good questions were asked! The presentation was so well received that made all hard work and late nights worth it. In addition, most of this year's conference concurrent sessions are recorded, and will be available for 6 months! If you missed any of those fabulous sessions, there's always time to go back and learn - talk about continue education! . . . . . FB: icat2014 IG: @icathk_ YouTube: ICATHK www.icat.com.hk [email protected] #icathk #icathk2020 #香港創意藝術治療中心 #音樂治療 #註冊音樂治療師 #美國音樂治療協會 #美國音樂治療協會學術年會 #持續進修 #發報 #amta20 #amta2020 #amtanatcon #musictherapy #continueeducation #CMTE #CPD #presentation #concurrentsession #amta #musictherapyrocks
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