為慶祝香港創意藝術治療中心 ICAT(HK) 成立五週年以及與妍亮生命慈善基金合作一週年,ICAT(HK) 很榮幸邀請了國際級知名音樂治療大師,現任美國奧格斯堡大學音樂治療系主任 / 副教授 Annie Heiderscheit 博士到香港主持四個專業進修工作坊及擔任慶祝典禮暨音樂治療講座的主講嘉賓。 所有音樂治療專業進修工作坊將以英語進行 - 工作坊題目包括跨專業合作治療模式、社區推廣治療、音樂與精神心理健康等炙手可熱的社區醫療熱話,歡迎所有社工、醫護界從業員、專職治療師、教育界同工和有興趣人士參與! 日期/ 2019年7月6-7日 (六&日) 地點/ 明愛專上學院及明愛白英奇專業學校 新界將軍澳翠嶺里2號 (調景嶺港鐵站B出口) To celebrate ICAT (HK)'s 5th anniversary and the 1st collaboration anniversary with Shining life Limited, we are honored to have the world-renowned music therapist Dr. Annie Heiderscheit to join us in July to conduct 4 workshops and be our keynote speaker at the celebration ceremony. This free music therapy talk is suitable for people who are interested in the profession, including students, parents, people working in the welfare system, educators, medical professionals, people with special needs and their caretakers. All workshops will be conudcted in English with a variety of topics including collaborative work, medical music therapy, mental health and music psychotherapy. Social workers, medical professionals, allied health professionals and therapists, educators and individuals who are interested are welcome to register. Date: July 6-7th, 2019 (Saturday & Sunday) Venue: Caritas Institute of Higher Education (2 Chui Lin Lane, TKO) (MTR Tiu Keng Leng Station Exit B) 慶祝典禮暨音樂治療講座 Celebration Ceremony cum Music Therapy Keynote "Music Therapy: Discover How Music can Foster your Health & Wellbeing" 講座題目為音樂治療與身心靈健康,由 Heiderscheit 博士主講,香港創意藝術治療中心創辦人、美國及加拿大註冊音樂治療師何顯斌先生及梁曉盈小姐作粵語翻譯。本講座乃香港創意藝術治療中心五週年免費公眾活動之一,希望藉此推廣音樂治療服務在香港普及化。 日期/ 2019年7月6日 時間/ 1430 - 1630 The music therapy keynote will be delivered by Dr. Heiderscheit, titled "Music Therapy: Discover How Music can Foster your Health & Wellbeing", and will be translated into Cantonese by Ms. Angel Leung and Mr. Pan Ho, US and Canada credentialed music therapy and co-founders of ICAT (HK). This music therapy keynote is one of the free events organized by ICAT (HK) in celebration of its 5th anniversary, aiming to advocate music therapy service to the general community. Date: July 6th, 2019 Time: 2:30-4:30pm Workshop Programme rundown 工作坊程序 * All workshops will be conducted in English 所有工作坊將以英語進行 Music Therapy CPD Workshop 1 Music therapy collaborative practice: Working with diverse disciplines Date/ 6 July 2019 (Sat) Time/ 0900 - 1230 Cost/ Early Bird - HKD 800; Regular - HKD 850 The flexible nature of music provides countless opportunities to work collaboratively with colleagues from a wide variety of disciplines. This presentation will focus on how to recognize opportunities for collaboration, how to approach colleagues about they might collaborate, recognizing when collaboration may be beneficial, when it may not be warranted, and the various ways to collaborate with various disciplines. Clinical case examples of multi-disciplinary collaboration will be shared and reviewed. Participants will have an opportunity to identify and discuss potential collaborative opportunities in their clinical setting. Music Therapy CPD Workshop 2 Music therapy in the medical environment: From critical to acute care Date/ 6 July 2019 (Sat) Time/ 1830 - 2200 Cost/ Early Bird - HKD 800; Regular - HKD 850 The practice of music therapy in the medical environment necessitates the clinician to understand the wide array of needs that patients may present and to provide care for patients that range from fragile and critically ill patients to those in acute care. The workshop will focus on assessing patient needs and determining methods to best address these diverse needs, as well as recognize contraindications. Clinical case illustrations will be utilized to clinical decision making necessary in the therapeutic process. Music Therapy CPD Workshop 3 Music therapy in mental health treatment: Empowering clients in the process of treatment Date/ 7 July 2019 (Sun) Time/ 0900 - 1230 Cost/ Early Bird - HKD 800; Regular - HKD 850 Mental health treatment is often acute and short term. Music therapists in mental health settings have the potential to engage clients in a therapeutic process, as well as teach clients how to use music as a means of coping and self-care following their formal treatment. Helping clients develop these skills empowers manage their day to day life. Clinical case illustrations will be utilized to clinical decision making necessary in the therapeutic process. Music Therapy CPD Workshop 4 Music psychotherapy: Understanding how to use music to explore and process therapeutic experiences Date/ 7 July 2019 (Sun) Time/ 1400 - 1730 Cost/ Early Bird - HKD 800; Regular - HKD 850 Music and its elements relate and connect our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. This workshop will explore how music fosters the psychotherapy process, the meaning of various musical elements in the psychotherapy process, and how to process these types of music experiences. Participants will explore various music and clinical examples to discover the various methods that can be used in the music psychotherapy process.
Renowned percussionist and U.S.A. credentialed Music Therapist Carolyn Koebel is back in town to facilitate a weekend of music therapy in rhythms! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to experience the power of music therapy in rhythms in one weekend. - Date / 19 - 21 Oct 2018 Venue / Lei Yue Mun Park (75 Chai Wan Road, Hong Kong) > All of the events will be conducted in English - Event 1 - Community Music Therapy in Rhythms > Open to general public Date/ 19 Oct 2018 (Fri) Time/ 7.00 - 9.30 p.m. Quota/ 30 participants Fees/ HKD 400 Come & enjoy the power of rhythms! No previous music training is required. People of all ages and abilities are welcomed. - Event 2 - Music Therapy Drumming Primer > Open to Music Therapist, Creative Arts, Therapists & students Date/ 20 - 21 Oct 2018 (Sat - Sun) Time/ 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. Fees/ HKD 2,700 - includes room & board and meals, a 14" REMO frame drum and an egg shaker to take home after the training HKD 3,000 - for therapists and students to sign up for both events - Music Therapy Drumming (MTD) is a curriculum founded by American music therapists Bill Matney, Kalani Das, Michael Marcionetti, and Carolyn Koebel. These professional percussionists also hold degrees in music therapy, and combined their knowledge from both fields to generate this curriculum. Traditional music and cultural contexts from Brazilian, West African, and Middle Eastern styles will be explored and experienced. Emphasis will be on musical playing techniques, vocabulary building, and increased competence in using percussion in music therapy applications, particularly for accompaniment and clinical improvisation. MTD Primer is the pre-requisite to register for Music Therapy Drumming Level 1 Certificate courses, offered in China by music therapists/ percussionists Carolyn Koebel & Kalani Das, two of the founding members of the MTD curriculum in the U.S. This primer will offer specific emphasis on playing techniques for djembe/ cone drums, frame drums (tar and lap-style), bass drums, shakers, and auxiliary percussion instruments. Deeper understanding of the Rhythmic Ground (Brusicia/ Gardstrom) will be explored, exploring duple and triple meter, as well as pushed and straight “feels”. Participants will receive individualized attention to strengthen their playing technique and resources for musical facilitation. A certificate of attendance will be awarded upon request to serve as evidence to claim continue education credits for music therapists/creative arts therapists. Don't miss the chance to join this workshop!
由於2018海外升學講座反應熱烈,現正加推暑假特別場!由ICAT(HK) 兩位資深音樂治療師Angel 和 Pan主講,他們將會深入地介紹不同本地及海外課程的入學要求、準備過程及如何選擇不同學派的音樂治療及國家等重要資料。
講座將以粵語進行,講座中會即場示範音樂治療的技巧和應用,並探討音樂治療在香港的發展前景,有興趣成為音樂治療師的朋友萬勿錯過! 日期 / 2018年8月26日(星期日) 時間 / 下午2:00-6:00 地點 / ICAT(HK) 銅鑼灣謝斐道506-508號聯成商業中心15樓03室 ( 銅鑼灣地鐵站D1出口) 費用 / $600 正價 [$550 早鳥優惠 - 於8月19日前報名及入數為準 ] 付款方法 / 轉帳到恆生銀行帳户 #789-286879-883 Institute for Creative Arts Therapy (HK) Whatsapp 入數紙到 6510-9405 或 電郵我們 歡迎報名及查詢 / Whatsapp 6510-9405 或 電郵我們 我們一年一度的皇牌講座音樂治療海外升學講座又來啦。依舊由我們兩位資深音樂治療師Angel 和 Pan主講,他們將會深入地介紹不同國家的入學要求,準備過程及如何選擇不同學派的音樂治療及國家等重要資料。
講座將以粵語進行,而後半部份更會即場示範音樂治療的技巧和應用,並探討音樂治療在香港的發展前景,有興趣成為音樂治療師的朋友就不要錯過啦! 日期 / 2018年5月13日(星期日) 時間 / 下午2:00-6:00 地點 / T Club 會所 觀塘成業街6號泓富廣場23樓2306-09 費用 / $600 正價 ,[$550 早鳥優惠 - 於5月6日前報名及入數為準 ] 付款方法 / 轉帳到恆生銀行帳户 #789-286879-883 Institute for Creative Arts Therapy (HK) Whatsapp 入數紙到 6510-9405 或 電郵我們 報名及查詢 / 歡迎電郵我們 或 Whatsapp 6510-9405 This workshop will offer you a quick tune-up on basic djembe-style playing techniques for bass, tone, and slap, as well as an overview of frame drums and mixed hand percussion. Powerful, clear, technique offers a strong foundation for the use of percussion in clinical settings. You will have the ability to facilitate sessions musically as your skill sets increase. Your music will be more motivating and engaging, leading to more desirable clinical outcomes. Increasing your rhythmic vocabulary will allow you to connect with a broader range of clients whose musical tastes may span multiple genres. You will learn the basic theory and construct of how to organize your hands, or handedness, in order to play a stable, predictable rhythmic ostinato that will allow you to create satisfying accompaniment patterns with which you can successfully add your voice to accompany songs in fresh ways. Drums are naturally appealing to clients with a broad range of abilities, and we have the capacity to adapt and customize our rhythmic interventions in order to be as challenging or as inclusive as necessary to meet our clients where they are at. The workshop will be conducted in English. Date/ October 21, 2017(Saturday) Time/ 1900 - 2130 Venue/ FullHOUSE Unit A-B, 10/F, Por Mee Factory Building, 500 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon (九龍青山道500號百美工業大廈十樓A-B室) Quota/ 10 participants Fee/ HKD 390 Registration/ 1. Complete registration here 2. Bank-in to HSC #789-286879-883 [Institute for Creative Arts Therapy (HK)] 3. Whatsapp bank-in receipt to +852 6510-9405 or email to [email protected] *You will receive an email reply confirming your registration* Note/ 1. Participants are encouraged to bring 1-2 small hand held percussive instruments to the workshop. 2. Attendance certificate will be given to attendees at the end of the workshop. 3. This workshop will be conducted in English. 4. ICAT(HK) has been approved as one of the CPD activity organizers under the Voluntary Continuing Professional Development Scheme for Registered Social Workers. Attendees who are registered social workers will be awarded for 2.5 CPD points.
一年一度的音樂治療海外升學講座又來啦。今次講座我們 ICATHK 與香港青年協會持續進修中心(HKFYG-CLC) 合辦,由我們兩位資深音樂治療師 Angel 和 Pan主講,介紹不同國家的入學要求,準備過程及如何選擇不同學派的音樂治療及國家等重要資料。講座後半部份更會即場示範音樂治療的技巧和應用,並探討音樂治療在香港的發展前景,有興趣成為音樂治療師的朋友就不要錯過啦。
日期 / 2017年 5月 13日 (星期六) 時間 / 上午 9:00 - 下午 1:00 地點 / 香港青年協會持續進修中心 - 銅鑼灣公理堂大樓21樓 票價 / $500 [早鳥優惠 - 於4月29日前完成報名及繳費只需$450] 報名及查詢 / 歡迎 聯絡 ICATHK 或 香港青年協會持續進修中心 電話 2130 4000 | Whatsapp 5516 1739 | 傳真 2130 4030 本年度第一個講座將由我們兩位音樂治療師,Angel 和 Pan 講解音樂治療的元素及可在日常生活中用作促進社交溝通的方法,適合家長、社工、教育工作者及其他專職治療師參加。講座將設有體驗環節,參加者將會掌握利用音樂作基本社交溝通訓練的技巧。座位有限,有興趣就要盡快報名啦!
日期 / 2017年 3月4日(星期六) 時間 / 上午10:00 - 12:00 地點 / T-Club會所 觀塘成業街6號泓富廣場23樓 2306-09 講者 / 梁曉盈小姐(美國及加拿大註冊音樂治療師,腦神經音樂治療師) 何顯斌先生(美國及加拿大註冊音樂治療師) 費用 / $450(於2月25日前入數將可在講座當日退回 $50) *如參加是次講座將可於下一個音樂治療技巧應用系列講座以優惠價 $350 參加! 立即報名 / https://goo.gl/GK8PRJ 付款方法 / 轉帳到恆生銀行帳户 #789-286879-883 Institute for Creative Arts Therapy (HK) 然後 Whatsapp 入數紙到 6510-9405 查詢 / [email protected] 或 Whatsapp 6510-9405 音樂治療是一門根據科學研究及數據而發展出來的專業臨床治療。註冊音樂治療師透過臨床音樂應用,可以幫助受助者達到不同的非音樂治療目標,促進身心健康。雖然只有註冊音樂治療師才可以有效地為受助者進行音樂治療,音樂治療裡的理論和技巧亦可運用在教學上,增強學生學習能力及教育工作者的教學效能。
在講座中,參加者能夠透過參與不同的實驗性互動,對音樂治療的理論和四大方法(聆聽,二次創造,即興及創作)以及音樂治療技巧在教學上的應用有更深的認識。 Music Therapy has long been recognised as a clinically developed and proven treatment method. Only qualified Music Therapists can assist patients to achieve treatments in psychology, emotions, cognitive, communication and improve overall wellbeing; theories and different techniques of Music Therapy can in fact be applied in teaching, which can enhance the effectiveness of teaching for the educators and also improve on the students' learning abilities. Participants will be able to learn about basic theories of Music Therapy and the four methods (listening, re-creating, composition and improvisation) and see how it is helpful in the classroom, too. 日期 Date/ 2016年8月28日(星期日) 時間 Time/ 2-5pm 地點 Venue/ T-Club會所 觀塘成業街6號泓富廣場23樓2306-09 Room 2306-09, 23/F Prosperity Place, 6 Shing Yip St, Kwun Tong 費用 Cost/ $400 於8 月20日前入數將可在講座當日退回$50 Payment before 20/8 would receive $50 rebate on the day of the talk 報名 Resevation/ 請按這裡 查詢 Enquiries/ [email protected] 付款方法 Payment method/ 轉帳到恆生銀行帳户號碼 Hang Seng Bank 789-286879-883 Institute for Creative Arts Therapy (HK) 請 Whatsapp 入數紙到 Please forward the payment receipt to/ 6510-9405 * 講座將以粵語進行 The talk will be conducted in Cantonese 一年一度嘅香港書展將於 2016年 7月20 至 26日喺香港會議展覽中心舉行。承接第一年的強勢宣傳,我哋聯同另外兩位音樂治療師作者再次同紅出版合作,再次喺香港書展現身,介紹音樂治療,同解讀下音樂點解咁「殊不簡單」。
我哋本書嘅分享 + 簽名會詳情如下: 日期:2016年 7月 23日(星期六) 時間:9 - 10pm 地點:第 27 屆香港書展紅出版攤位(1號館,1C - E26) 擁有我哋本書嘅朋友,如果想一睹我哋嘅真身,聽下我哋講故仔,又或者想要我哋嘅簽名就唔好錯過呢個機會啦! 未擁有我哋本書慨朋友唔使愁!我哋本書到時亦都會喺紅出版有售架! 請大家多多支持,希望到時見到大家! It's been a great year since launching our book! We are joining forces with the other two authors and will be appearing again at this year's Hong Kong Book Fair from 20-26 July! Come join our sharing and book signing session - Date: 23 July 2016 (Sat) Time: 9 -10pm Venue: Red Publish Stall (Hall 1, IC - E26) The book will be available for sale at the fair, so don't miss out on getting a copy if you don't already have one! Thanks for the support and see you then! 一般人學習音樂可能是為了興趣或陶治性情,但如果以音樂作為終身事業呢?很多人除了想到當演奏家就是當音樂教育工作者,沒有考慮過其他出路。音樂治療作為一門在香港新興的專業,公眾定必對音樂治療師的工作及出路深感興趣。
音樂治療是一門根據臨床研究而發展出來的創意藝術治療。具專業註册資格的音樂治療師透過各種臨床音樂的應用, 幫助受助者達到不同非音樂性的治療目標,包括心理、 情緒、認知、社交、溝通與身體機能等範疇。 雖然音樂治療在東南亞算是初起步的專業,在英、美、澳、加及新西蘭這些熱門留學國家均有可修讀不同程度的音樂治療課程。有意留學修讀音樂治療的學生應如何選擇呢? 本升學講座將由兩位對音樂治療教育有深厚認識的資深音樂治療師主講,講解不同國家的入學要求,準備過程及怎樣選擇不同學派的音樂治療及國家等重要資料,亦會探討音樂治療在香港的發展前景。 When it comes to making it a life-long career in music, most people would quickly recognize it only being a conductor or music educator, because learning music is usually regarded as a hobby. Music Therapy is renowned for being clinically developed and proven, and qualified Music Therapists can assist patients to achieve treatments in psychology, emotions, cognitive, communication and even physical movements. It is seen as an up and coming profession in Hong Kong and the rest of Asia, but in fact it's a rather developed therapy method in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and these countries provide good studying and training option for students who are interested in this field. The careers talk will be hosted by our experienced Music Therapist, Angel and Pa,n who will provide in-depth information and guidance on what are currently being offered overseas. 日期 Date/ 22.05.16 時間 Time/ 2 - 6pm 地點 Venue/ T- Club 官塘成業街6號弘富廣場23樓2306-09室 Room 2306-09, 23/F Prosperity Place, 6 Shing Yip St, Kwun Tong 費用 Cost/ $500 5月15日前入數將可在講座當日退回$50 Payment before 15/5 would receive $50 rebate on the day of the talk 訂票 Reservation/ http://goo.gl/forms/YeVO3sOJky 查詢 Enquiries/ [email protected] |
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