雖然只有註冊音樂治療師才可以有效地為受助者進行音樂治療,音樂治療裡的理論和技巧亦可運用在教學上,增強學生學習能力及教育工作者的教學效能。除此之外,有學者指出教學效能與教育工作者的自我護理息息相關,而不少教育工作者亦會選擇與音樂有關的自我護理活動。聽音樂固然能夠減壓放鬆,但近期有不少研究發現參與不同音樂體驗更能有效地減壓放鬆,達致自我護理的效果。 工作坊的第一部分,參加者能透過參與不同的實驗性互動,對音樂治療的理論和四大方法(聆聽,二次創造,即興及創作)以及音樂治療技巧在教學上的應用有更深入的認識。工作坊的第二部分,參加者將會能夠參與一個以減壓放鬆及自我護理為題 的音樂治療體驗,親身體驗音樂治療在這方面的效能。 Music Therapy is renowned for being clinically developed and proven to improve patients' rehabilitation and overall well-being. Even though the results are still best achieved through qualified Music Therapist, the theory and practice of Music Therapy can be utilized in teaching students to better concentrate during their studies, teachers can excel efficiency in their teaching; while it is also a great method in reducing stress and improve one's welfare. The workshop is aimed to allow students to have a better understanding on Music Therapy through interactive experiments and how it can help to reduce stress.
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