[ICAT 5週年 之 #音樂治療資訊站]
Funfact #12 嚟到音樂治療資訊站最後一個funfact, 我哋繼續睇下關於 #音樂治療 #受助者 群組嘅 #專科名銜: #HPMT: Hospice and Palliative Care Music Therapist #臨終及紓緩治療音樂治療師 隨著音樂治療不斷發展,相信越來越多 #註冊音樂治療師 會接受更多 #深造培訓 而獲發唔同嘅專科名銜。咁多英文字母,係咪睇到眼花撩亂呢?有見及此,#美國音樂治療協會 於2010年嘅代表大會中通過喺佢哋所有文件及通訊裡面,只會列出學位名稱,#專業資格 MT-BC和協會認可嘅專業名銜及牌照。除咗學位名稱及 #專業資格 MT-BC會以英文縮寫之外,所有列出嘅專科名銜均會以全寫寫出,方便公眾明白。協會亦強烈鼓勵會員跟隨協會嘅做法,以提高專業資格MT-BC嘅認受性,提升公眾對其他專業培訓嘅認知及減低公眾對各種縮寫嘅混淆。 Let's continue to look at another music therapy designation that are population-specific: #HPMT: Hospice and Palliative Care Music Therapist With the blooming of the music therapy profession, it is with no doubt that more therapists will attend specialized/advanced trainings and obtain different designations. While that means the profession is advancing, to the general public all these "alphabets" could cause a lot of confusions. With that concern in mind, in 2010 the Assembly of Delegates of the American Music Therapy Association (#AMTA) adopted the policy that AMTA and its regions will use acronyms only for academic degrees, MT-BC, other credentials, licenses, state registries and music therapy professional designations from other countries (e.g. RMT, MTA). All specialized/advanced training designations will be written out in long form. As the policy being fully implemented in all AMTA's printed and electronic materials and communications in 2012, the Association strongly encourages its members to follow the policy in their own practice. This is to increase the recognition of the credential MT-BC, increase the public's understanding of those specialized/advanced trainings and minimize the confusion of the acronyms in the general public. #icathk #icathk5週年 #musictherapy #musictherapyfunfacts #音樂治療 #香港創意藝術治療中心
[ICAT 5週年 之 #音樂治療資訊站]
Funfact #11 之前睇過有關 #音樂治療學派 嘅 #專科名銜,我哋今次就睇下關於 #音樂治療 #受助者 群組嘅專科名銜啦: #NICU MT: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Music Therapist #初生嬰兒深切治療部音樂治療師 , 課程由 #美國佛羅里達州立大學 National Institute for Infant & Child Medical Music Therapy 負責 (另一個同屬 #初生嬰兒深切治療部 嘅音樂治療培訓則由 #美國紐約 The Louis Armstrong Center for Music & Medicine at Beth Israel Medical Center 負責嘅,叫做 First Sounds: Rhythm, Breath and Lullaby。除此之外, 還有一個與孕婦及生產有關嘅 #音樂治療助產士 課程 Music Therapy Assisted Child Birth MTACB 。完成呢兩個培訓嘅治療師嘅名字都會記錄於所屬名冊上) Previously we looked at some designations for specialized music therapy methods, now let's look at one of the music therapy designations that are population-specific: #NICU MT: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Music Therapist (Curriculum designed by National Institute for Infant & Child Medical Music Therapy at Florida State University, USA) (There's another specialized training for NICU babies called "First Sounds: Rhythm, Breath and Lullaby", curriculum originated at The Louis Armstrong Center for Music & Medicine at Beth Israel Medical Center at New York, USA. In addition, there's a specialized training for therapists who work with expecting mothers and childbirth, called "Music Therapy Assisted Child Birth" MTACB. Names of therapists who completed the above specialized trainings could be found in the respective registry). #icathk #icathk5週年 #musictherapy #musictherapyfunfacts #音樂治療 #香港創意藝術治療中心 [ICAT 5週年 之 #音樂治療資訊站]
Funfact #10 介紹過 #香港 常見嘅 #海外註冊音樂治療師 嘅 #專業資格,今次為大家介紹下大家有機會見到喺治療師名字後面嘅其他「英文字母」。 呢啲「英文字母」 其實係音樂治療師取得嘅 #專科名銜。 音樂治療嘅 #深造課程 設計同好多 #醫療專業 嘅深造課程安排相似:音樂治療師完成認可學位課程,並在取得註冊後可以根據自己嘅喜好去進修 #專科項目(specialized training),完成整個課程要求就會獲發該個專科嘅名銜 (designation)。以下會簡介以 #音樂治療學派 區分的專科名銜: #NMT: Neurologic Music Therapist #腦神經音樂治療師 #NMT-F: Neurologic Music Therapist - Fellow #腦神經音樂治療師院士 #NRMT: Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapist #諾道夫羅賓斯音樂治療師 #FAMI: Fellow of Association for Music and Imagery #音樂意象協會院士 (所深造的專科是 #GIM - Guided Imagery and Music #音樂引導意象) #AMT: Analytical Music Therapist #分析音樂治療師 值得一提嘅係,好多 #音樂治療專科培訓 都有分級別 (levels),而專科名銜通常會係完成晒所有培訓級別,交齊課程要求嘅功課先會獲發,而且呢啲名銜亦有特定嘅寫法 (如上), 唔可以隨便拼貼出嚟架。如作為受助者嘅你有任何疑問, 可向治療師查詢。 After talking about music therapy credentials, let's look at the other "alphabets" that you might see behind a therapist's name. Similar to a lot of healthcare professionals, when a music therapist completed the required education and become credentialed, s/he can choose to specialize in areas that interest him/her by attending relevant specialized/advanced training. After the completion of the training, they will be allowed to use the specific designation to show their expertise in that particular area. Below are some designations regarding specialized music therapy methods: NMT: Neurologic Music Therapist NMT-F: Neurologic Music Therapist - Fellow NRMT: Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapist FAMI: Fellow of Association for Music and Imagery (Specialized in #GIM - Guided Imagery and Music) AMT: Analytical Music Therapist A lot of the specialized training are divided into levels, and normally the designation can only be used when all levels of training are completed and all required assignments are submitted. Also, designations are to be written in specific ways (as above), and cannot/should not be made up! If in doubt, always check with the therapist to get more information. #icathk #icathk5週年 #musictherapy #musictherapyfunfacts #音樂治療 #香港創意藝術治療中心 [ICAT 5週年 之 #音樂治療資訊站]
Funfact #9 之前介紹咗咁多給予 #香港音樂治療師 #專業資格 嘅 #海外音樂治療協會 及相關 #音樂治療監管機構,其實喺得到專業資格嘅同時,#註冊音樂治療師作為協會會員都要遵守返啲「會規」嘅,呢啲「會規」包括有 #執業標準Standard of Practice, #專業實務範圍 Scope of Practice 及 #專業操守指引Code of Ethics. 早前介紹過嘅 #澳洲 #英國 #美國 及 #加拿大 嘅 #音樂治療協會 均有屬於自己嘅「會規」。雖然文件名稱可能唔一樣,但都會列明註冊該會嘅 #音樂治療師 嘅工作範圍,道德上可以同唔可以做等等嘅事情。隨著時代變遷,「會規」會不時作出修訂,協會會員有責任時刻遵守所屬協會嘅「會規」,做個負責任嘅註冊音樂治療師,一旦違規係有機會被除去註冊牌照架。 In the past posts, we have introduced 4 overseas music therapy associations and related organizations which grant eligible music therapists their credentials to practice music therapy. As these music therapists received their credentials, they have thus agreed to abide with the "rules" set by these associations, and these rules are include Standard of Practice, Scope of Practice and Code of Ethics. The associations from #Australia, #UK, #US and #Canada all have their own set of "rules" - although those official documents might not have the same names, they all contain similar information regarding how a music therapist should practice within their scope, and how to practice ethically. These two documents are being revised from time to time to reflect the most updated standards and best practice strategies. It is the duty of a credentialed music therapist to abide with the "rules" set by his/her association, or s/he might risk losing his/her credentials. #icathk #icathk5週年 #musictherapy #musictherapyfunfacts #音樂治療 #香港創意藝術治療中心 [ICAT 5週年 之 #音樂治療資訊站]
Funfact #8 之前連續四個post介紹過喺香港會見到 #註冊音樂治療師 嘅 #專業資格:#澳洲 嘅 #RMT (funfact #4), #英國 嘅HCPC-Registered Therapist (funfact #5), #美國 嘅MT-BC (funfact #6) 同 #加拿大 嘅 #MTA (funfact #7). 大家以後見到呢啲英文字母就知道代表咩,同埋該位治療師係邊個協會註冊架啦。 想知道多啲關於音樂治療師註冊牌照資料嘅朋友可以直接到以上各大海外音樂治療協會網頁查詢最新嘅 #註冊治療師名單,或者電郵同協會聯絡,佢哋都會好樂意提供協助架! We have introduced the commonly seen music therapist credentials in Hong Kong in the past 4 posts - #RMT for #Australia registered music therapists (funfact #4), HCPC-Registered Therapists for #UK registered music therapists (funfact #5), MT-BC for #US registered music therapists (funfact #6), and #MTA for #Canada registered music therapists (funfact #7). Next time when you see those alphabets behind a therapist's name you will know what that means and where this therapist is registered. If you are interested in finding out more regarding a therapist's credential, there is a directory on almost every association's website that is open-access for the general public. Or, simply email the association for assistance - they will be more than happy to help! #澳洲音樂治療協會 Australian Music Therapy Association https://www.austmta.org.au/find-a-music-therapist [email protected] #英國國家醫療專業人員協會 The Health and Care Professions Council https://www.hcpc-uk.org/check-the-register/ [email protected] #美國音樂治療師認證委員會 Certification Board for Music Therapists https://www.cbmt.org/certificant_search [email protected] #加拿大音樂治療師協會 Canadian Association of Music Therapists https://www.musictherapy.ca/membership/ [email protected] #icathk #icathk5週年 #musictherapy #musictherapyfunfacts #香港創意藝術治療中心 |
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