[ICAT 5週年 之 #音樂治療資訊站]
Funfact #10 介紹過 #香港 常見嘅 #海外註冊音樂治療師 嘅 #專業資格,今次為大家介紹下大家有機會見到喺治療師名字後面嘅其他「英文字母」。 呢啲「英文字母」 其實係音樂治療師取得嘅 #專科名銜。 音樂治療嘅 #深造課程 設計同好多 #醫療專業 嘅深造課程安排相似:音樂治療師完成認可學位課程,並在取得註冊後可以根據自己嘅喜好去進修 #專科項目(specialized training),完成整個課程要求就會獲發該個專科嘅名銜 (designation)。以下會簡介以 #音樂治療學派 區分的專科名銜: #NMT: Neurologic Music Therapist #腦神經音樂治療師 #NMT-F: Neurologic Music Therapist - Fellow #腦神經音樂治療師院士 #NRMT: Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapist #諾道夫羅賓斯音樂治療師 #FAMI: Fellow of Association for Music and Imagery #音樂意象協會院士 (所深造的專科是 #GIM - Guided Imagery and Music #音樂引導意象) #AMT: Analytical Music Therapist #分析音樂治療師 值得一提嘅係,好多 #音樂治療專科培訓 都有分級別 (levels),而專科名銜通常會係完成晒所有培訓級別,交齊課程要求嘅功課先會獲發,而且呢啲名銜亦有特定嘅寫法 (如上), 唔可以隨便拼貼出嚟架。如作為受助者嘅你有任何疑問, 可向治療師查詢。 After talking about music therapy credentials, let's look at the other "alphabets" that you might see behind a therapist's name. Similar to a lot of healthcare professionals, when a music therapist completed the required education and become credentialed, s/he can choose to specialize in areas that interest him/her by attending relevant specialized/advanced training. After the completion of the training, they will be allowed to use the specific designation to show their expertise in that particular area. Below are some designations regarding specialized music therapy methods: NMT: Neurologic Music Therapist NMT-F: Neurologic Music Therapist - Fellow NRMT: Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapist FAMI: Fellow of Association for Music and Imagery (Specialized in #GIM - Guided Imagery and Music) AMT: Analytical Music Therapist A lot of the specialized training are divided into levels, and normally the designation can only be used when all levels of training are completed and all required assignments are submitted. Also, designations are to be written in specific ways (as above), and cannot/should not be made up! If in doubt, always check with the therapist to get more information. #icathk #icathk5週年 #musictherapy #musictherapyfunfacts #音樂治療 #香港創意藝術治療中心
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