[ICAT 5週年 之 #音樂治療資訊站 ]
Fun fact #5 上次介紹咗香港最多 #註冊音樂治療師 嘅 #海外認證 #專業資格 ,今日就介紹另外一個喺香港常見嘅#音樂治療 #專業資格 啦。 香港嘅註冊音樂治療師第二多係註冊自 #英國。喺英國,#音樂治療師 係歸納為 #藝術治療師 (Arts Therapists),當中包括音樂治療、#藝術治療 及 #戲劇治療 三種 #專職治療,因此並沒有一個專門機構只負責音樂治療嘅專業註册資格。英國所有藝術治療師及醫護人員都係經同一個政府部門註冊嘅:#英國國家醫療專業人員協會 Health and Care Professions Council (#HCPC), 而透過HCPC註冊嘅治療師就叫 HCPC-Registered Therapist. 雖然英國音樂治療師與其他藝術治療師均屬同一個專業註册團體,但係佢哋係有一個專業協會嘅:#英國音樂治療協會 British Association for Music Therapy (#BAMT), 會定期舉行學術研討會同持續進修活動俾會員同各界人士參加。而每一位音樂治療師都持有碩士學位同埋要通過專業考核先可以註册。 In the #UK, where second most Hong Kong music therapists are registered from, music therapists are grouped under "arts therapists", that they do not carry separate credentials. All arts therapists in the UK are registered through a governmental organization called the Health and Care Professions Council (#HCPC), and therapists registered through HCPC are called HPCP-Registered Therapist. Even music therapists registered through HCPC do not carry a separate credential, they have their own association, the British Association for Music Therapy (#BAMT), which regularly organizes conferences and continue education events for its members. #icathk #icathk5週年 #musictherapy #musictherapyfunfacts #音樂治療 #香港創意藝術治療中心
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