[ICAT 5週年 之 #音樂治療資訊站 ]
Fun fact #6 之前介紹過兩個 #註冊音樂治療師 嘅 #海外認證 #專業資格 ,今日就介紹下 #音樂治療 #發源地 - #美國嘅專業資格啦。 美國係現時全世界擁有最多 #合資格 #音樂治療學位課程 嘅國家,總共有80多個,而每一個課程嘅成立同發展都係根據 #美國大專音樂學校協會 National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) 守則,由美國兩個 #音樂治療專業機構 嘅其中一個監管嘅:#美國音樂治療協會 American Music therapy Association (#AMTA)。 #美國註冊音樂治療師 嘅專業資格叫 Music Therapist Board Certified, 英文縮寫為 MT-BC。呢個專業資格由美國另一個獨立嘅 #音樂治療監管機構 #美國音樂治療師認證委員會 Certification Board for Music Therapists (#CBMT)發出 。要喺美國成為註冊音樂治療師除咗要起碼完成認可嘅 #音樂治療學士 或以上課程外,仲要: 1)喺在學時音樂治療科目成績平均等級為C-或以上(才符合資格開始臨床實習 - 詳情請看#2); 2)成功完成起碼1200小時嘅 #總實習時數,當中不少於180小時為 #在學實習 (#Practicum)及不少於900小時為 #臨床實習 (#Internship);及 3)通過美國音樂治療師認證委員會的 #音樂治療認證考試 (Certification Board Exam)。 成功「過三關」之後就可以成為MT-BC美國註冊音樂治療師啦。要維持MT-BC呢個專業資格,註冊音樂治療師要每5年參加不少於100小時嘅 #總持續進修時數 先至可以續牌嘅。 因為美國音樂治療歷史咁悠久,佢哋專業資格嘅「樣式」都經過幾個階段嘅演變。喺MT-BC出現之前,美國註冊音樂治療師嘅專業資格分別有RMT, CMT同ACMT。 不過呢啲喺MT-BC出現之前嘅專業資格將會喺2019年12月31日到期,即係如果持有呢啲專業資格嘅治療師喺限期前唔能夠向CBMT重新註冊成為MT-BC,佢哋就唔能夠自稱為美國註冊音樂治療師架啦 (AMTA merger agreement, 1998)。 Let's talk about the music therapy credentials from the US, where music therapy originated! Currently having the most qualified music therapy degree programs in the world, the United States is the host for 80+ music therapy degree programs, from bachelors to doctoral level. All of these music therapy programs are designed according to the curriculum guidelines of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), and accredited by the American Music Therapy Association, Inc. (#AMTA). Credentialed music therapists from the US are called Music Therapist Board Certified, abbreviated as MT-BC. The independent music therapy organization that grants eligible therapist their credentials is the Certification Board for Music Therapists (#CBMT). In order to be an MT-BC, one has to: 1) achieve an average C- for all music therapy core courses in the degree program (to be eligible for an internship - see point #2); 2) successfully complete a total of no less than 1200 clinical training hours, with no less than 180 practicum hours and no less than 900 internship hours; and 3) successfully passing the certification board exam by the CBMT. In order to maintain one's MT-BC status, one has to participate in continue education and submit 100 recertification credits every 5 years to recertify with CBMT. Because of the long history of music therapy in the US, there has been a transformation of credentials: RMT, CMT and ACMT were used before the existence of MT-BC. However, under the #AMTA merger agreement in 1998, the professional credentials issued before MT-BC, which is currently maintained under the National Music Therapy Registry (NMTR), will be expired by December 31, 2019. One will not be able to name oneself US-credentialed music therapist if one does not go through the process to get certified with CBMT before the date. #icathk #icathk5週年 #musictherapy #musictherapyfunfacts #音樂治療 #香港創意藝術治療中心
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