[ICAT 5週年 之 #音樂治療資訊站]
Fun fact #7 今日嚟到介紹香港常見 #註冊音樂治療師 #海外認證 #專業資格 嘅最後一個 - #加拿大 啦。 #加拿大註冊音樂治療師 嘅專業資格叫 Music Therapist Accredited, 英文縮寫為 #MTA。呢個專業資格係由 #加拿大音樂治療師協會 Canadian Association of Music Therapists (#CAMT)發出 。同 #美國 相類似,要喺加拿大成為註冊音樂治療師除咗要起碼完成認可嘅 #音樂治療學士 或以上課程外,仲要: 1) 成功完成起碼1000小時嘅 #總實習時數。 然後經過CAMT 嚴格審批先可以註冊成為MTA。 以上係加拿大合資格音樂治療師喺2014年之前嘅註冊方法,而呢個制度喺2014年中有個重大嘅改變。 喺2014年9月,CAMT喺註冊條件上加多咗重要嘅一項:合資格嘅治療師除咗要成功完成起碼1000小時嘅總實習時數外,仲要通過 #美國音樂治療師認證委員會 的 #音樂治療認證考試 (Certification Board Exam)先可以向CAMT註冊而取得MTA專業資格。呢個名/呢個試好似似曾相識咁?冇錯,佢就係funfact #6 裡面講到喺美國另一個獨立嘅 #音樂治療監管機構,負責 #美國音樂治療師 嘅音樂治療認證考試同發出專業資格 MT-BC嘅美國音樂治療師認證委員會 Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) 。亦即係話,喺2014年9月後成為加拿大合資格嘅治療師要首先要通過 CBMT 嘅考試成為MT-BC, 先可以向CAMT 註冊成為MTA, 而呢啲音樂治療師喺第一年執業嘅時候係會同時擁有兩個國家嘅音樂治療專業資格 (MT-BC, MTA) 。 There's one more music therapy professional credentials that is commonly seen in Hong Kong which we have not introduced yet...here we go Canada! Credentialed music therapists from Canada are called Music Therapist Accredited, abbreviated as #MTA. The music therapy organization that grants eligible therapists their credentials is the Canadian Association of Music Therapists(#CAMT). Similar to the US, in order to be an MTA, one has to: 1) Successfully complete a total of no less than 1000 clinical training hours. Then one would submit their application to CAMT to apply for professional status MTA. But that was the application process before 2014. In mid 2014, the process has undergone a drastic change. In September 2014, CAMT added another criteria in their MTA application process: After successful completion of the required clinical internship, one has to also successfully passing the certification board exam by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (#CBMT) in order to apply for the MTA status. Yes you read it right, it is the same certification board exam that we mentioned in #funfact 6, the exam that US music therapists have to pass in order to get their professional credentials MT-BC. That also means, since September 2014, eligible music therapists in Canada have to pass the CBMT exam for the MT-BC credential before they can apply for their MTA. Under the new application process, all newly certified MTA would be dually credentialed with both MTA and MT-BC in their first year of practice. #icathk #icathk5週年 #musictherapy #musictherapyfunfacts #音樂治療 #香港創意藝術治療中心
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